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What we offer 

Insulation Installation

Home insulation


Through our National Lottery Community Fund grant we are developing a community-led, not-for-profit insulation service. We are offering free home insulation assessments, advice and quotes to provide low cost, quick win insulation measures, initially for 40 homes.


We will be carrying out the home insulation assessments in summer 2022 with a view to installing insulation before next winter. All homes within 15 miles of Forest Row are eligible. Please let us know if you would like to benefit from this service. Priority will be given to members of Forest Row Energy Co-op. If you are yet to become a member, please do join us. The membership income helps to pay our annual running costs such as insurance, accountancy, and website hosting.


Support for renewables

Support for Renewables


We offer support to help make installing renewables simpler, easier and give you peace of mind that you are working with a top-notch supplier that will give you a fair price. 


We can provide you with a free pre-check that will let you know what renewable energy technologies are suitable for your home or business. We will then refer you onto one our trusted suppliers that we have found to offer excellent products, services and value for money. 


We ask that you become a member to make use of this service, if you haven't already. For individual membership you can join us here.


If you would like to use this service please complete this form and we will be in touch with you.

Renewable Energy Project Management and Feasibility Studies


We are at hand to manage renewable energy projects, feasibility studies and funding strategies for our community.


Our team is made up of industry experts and we have created a wider hub of expertise by working with partners throughout the community energy network. We understand how to make a project work for us all from initial ideas to fully operational.


We have access to a wide variety of funds for local renewable energy projects. To date we have secured over £150,000 for local projects and are ready and waiting to help make your project happen.


We are particularly interested to hear from residents groups or associations, local schools and education facilities, business centres and any high energy use operations.

Energy Performance Certificates


The first step in making your home more energy efficient is to get a Domestic Energy Assessment. This will give you an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) that will show you how energy efficient your home currently is. The EPC will show a rating from A (most efficient) to G (inefficient). It will let you know how costly it will be to power your home and what the carbon dioxide emissions are likely to be. 


Your EPC will include advice on the energy saving priorities for your home and what the new EPC rating would be if you put them in place. You will need an EPC if you sell or rent your home and if you plan to install renewable heat and claim the government subsidy, the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). 


We are offering great value for money EPC's in the local area. We charge just £85 for up to a four bedroom home within 15 miles of Forest Row, East Sussex. The profits are reinvested into community energy projects.


Please email our resident Domestic Energy Assessor to arrange your EPC 

Corporate Membership


If you are local business or organisation our corporate membership offers you the chance to get expert support to save money, do your bit for the environment and be part of a positive local movement.


Corporate membership starts at £250 for Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SME's). In return you will get one day of renewable energy and energy efficiency consultancy, usually £300. Members have used this to kick start solar PV projects, to improve energy efficiency and access funding. You will also be entitled to one further day of consultancy at the reduced rate.


You will become a member of Forest Row Energy and be invited to have your say in the development of your local community energy company. You will also receive a membership certificate that you can use for marketing purposes.  


Find out more about our corporate membership and how it has benefited local businesses and organisations.


Please get in touch if you are interested in becoming a corporate member of Forest Row Energy.



A Chance to Make a Difference 


Forest Row Energy Co-op is all about local people coming together to make a difference right here where we live. We invite you to be part of it. 


We welcome people who can spare a few hours a month to contribute to our community energy co-op. This could involve helping us promote what we do, joining us at events and contributing to establishing local renewable energy projects. Please contact us if you would like to be part it.


We currently have a vacancy on our management team for a Director of Marketing and Communications. If you think you could help us take the co-op to the next level we would love to hear from you, please get in touch.


For those that don’t have time to spare but would like to contribute to making local community energy happen, please consider becoming a member.

 We use the income from our membership to help pay our annual running costs

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Forest Row Energy Co-operative Ltd 2021

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