Our Community Insulation Project is live now! With half the homes surveyed for the project it's a great time to share some advice.
One of the great things about being out in the community is the cross pollination of feedback and advice from from other residents. There is a ripple effect of useful tips, references to companies used and engaging people to help improve their homes in ways beyond the direct scope of the project. Every home is unique from it's history of use and fabric changes over the years and it a pleasure to get to know and share adivice when on site. Please do share the project with your neighbours and friends so we can help as soon as possiable. The link is here to fill in the application form.
Our resident Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) surveyor and retrofit assessor, Frank, shares the top tips from the industry.
The advice follows the recently announced price cap freeze meaning average energy bills for homes are now estimated to be at around £3,300 for detached houses, £2,650 for semi-detached, £2,350 for mid-terrace, and £1,750 for flats. This is compared with October 2021’s standard tariff price cap of £1,277 per year, more than double for most home owners.
These measures are simple everyday things that will make a difference to your bill, to the comfort of your home and to the environment by being more efficient with our energy.

1. Install loft insulation.
Right in at number one. This highlights why we think it is so important to help local residents improve their loft insulation. Please do join our current Community Insulation Project by clicking here.
An uninsulated roof leaks 25% of the home heat. Not diving into the average costs and benefits. A general rule of them is the cost of material right now for the most affordable insulation will cost less than the saving you will get over the course of one year!

2. Use a programmable thermostat – at a consistent temperature.
Most combi boilers have programmable thermostats to set temperatures automatically. Recommended setting to 15-16 degrees at night and 18-20 degrees during the day, depending on activity levels. Wireless programmers are also ideal and can be located in the hall or the most used room, but radiators must be set in sync with the thermostat

3. Don’t waste hot water.
Free and simple to implement, turn down the thermostat on the cistern to around 60 degrees.
Other easy ways save hot water include reducing bath use in favour of showers, boiling kettles using only the water needed and waiting to use dishwashers and washing machines until full.

4. Make the LED switch
Not everyone has made the switch. Lighting a home can amount to 11% of the average bill. LED lightbulbs last up to 25 times longer than traditional incandescent bulbs – depending on quality and use, so every 75-watt incandescent bulb replaced with an LED can save around £10 a year, based on 503.5 hours’ average per year – the amount for a typical kitchen or lounge.

5. Block out draughts
Draughtproofing is as simple as closing internal doors, especially when opening outside doors. For doors, use draught excluders, cover keyholes, use letterbox flaps or brushes and fit brush, foam or wiper strips around to fill gaps. Use strips for windows, a chimney draught excluder for unused fireplaces, consider a flexible filler for floorboards and check loft hatches are fully draughtproof and insulated.